Terms Of Use

The process is simple and FAST!

By submitting your APPLICATION you agree to the following:

  • Treasury Executive Group does business as a private funding facilitator firm. We provide no financial advisory services whatsoever.

  • Treasury Executive Group neither underwrites investments nor acts in the capacity of a securities broker, nor otherwise offers stock or securities for sale.

  • As a Facilitator organization, we provide introduction-consulting services, bringing borrower clients together with pathways to global capital markets.

  • Our business is the establishment and exploitation, for Client gain, of relationships with funding Sources - financier/capital professionals/agents - worldwide. We conduct the business of our private funding facilitator practice on a best efforts basis.

  • In most cases, our well-established financier and lender/investment group contacts visit with us several times a year, constantly updating us with regard to the type, number and capital volume requirements of quality projects they expect us to provide to them.

  • All efforts by Treasury Executive Group on behalf of Clients begin with complete, written project documentation from you. This is often best described as a business plan, the key to: successful financing, going public, acquisition, securing investors and related transactions. More than a statement of goals and strategies, the business plan is a powerful presentation document, introducing your Company to the business and financial community. Financiers and underwriters have indicated that a proper business plan saves them at least a week of analysis time - facilitating fast decisions and funding.

  • Hard copy Business planning documentation will not be returned to Client except by prior, written and pre-paid courier arrangement. Treasury Executive Group does not, at any time, participate in the creation of Client business planning documentation and accepts such documentation strictly at face value. Treasury Executive Group does not sign NDAs in order to evaluate potential Clients or Projects. If we cannot discuss the details of the opportunity, it is virtually impossible to generate their interest in the Project.

  • The information provided to Treasury Executive Group by our Sources of capital, to include representations regarding their ability to fund projects, are believed to be reliable as of the date of such representations. Treasury Executive Group has no vested interest in the business of any of our Sources and has no control, whatever, with any Sources, their business operations or their day-to day business decisions.

  • Treasury Executive Group has no business relationship with any of our Sources of funding, beyond that of providing referrals for consideration of funding. We endeavor, whenever possible, to attempt to influence rates, terms and conditions on behalf of Clients, however, this represents the full extent of any influence we may have with the Source(s).

  • We have no organizational, fiduciary or other relationship with any Source(s). We are not employees, agents or representatives of such organizations. We are not members of their boards of directors, nor do they serve or have representation on ours. Treasury Executive Group makes no business decisions whatever for our Sources, nor do they for us. Exerting no business influence over the management of each other's organizations, processes, policies or business decisions, we are completely independent entities.

  • All parties are expected to conduct their own due diligence and consult with their own professional advisors with regard to any dealings, whatsoever, with any Source(s) of capital. You are urged to meet with these Sources in person and to have your solicitor attend any and all funding meetings.

  • Sophisticated Clients understand that access to private, international commercial finance is not without its costs. They understand that due diligence costs and the costs associated with the business travel of Sources or their agents in the process of funding Client projects are the responsibility of the Client and the Clients are appropriately prepared to meet these expenses.

  • We cannot help everyone. Our services are designed for and dedicated only to the most serious Clientele - we limit the efforts of our practice to those who understand and appreciate the unique services we bring to their capital requirements and are prepared to respond in an agile fashion to the requirements of both Treasury Executive Group and its Sources.

Treasury Executive Group, at its sole discretion, may modify or revise these Terms of Service and its policies at any time and the reader agrees to be bound by such modifications or revisions.


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