How it Works

It's simple and FAST!

Complete an Business Funding Application
Complete our
Quick Application
Upload a copy of your Business Plan to the Application
Upload your Business Plan
to the Application
We'll contact you with your funding options
We'll contact you with your
funding options
Quick conference call with Treasury Executive Group and Meeting
Quick conference call with
Treasury and you're on your way!


Start Here

(You can always finish later if needed)

The four keys to success that will virtually assure you will gain the attention of PRIVATE CAPITAL SOURCES that are liquid and lending!

We'll help you get an advantage in attracting qualified investors. Here are tips that will help ensure the best results:



Business Plan



A properly developed and comprehensive BUSINESS PLAN is an effective selling document in the quest for private capital. Should you need assistance in the development of such a plan, please contact us.





Clean up your personal credit score. Seriously limit your applications for private capital funding and/or credit lines, as a flurry of inquiries are perceived negatively by the credit reporting bureaus, which will reduce your credit score.

Be Prepared



Be completely prepared to cover costs associated with your access to private business funding. There is no "free" money available to those seeking funding anywhere. Those who arrange for you and your Project to have access incur costs,

which you will be responsible for. Further, as with commercial banks, the risk management activities (underwriting/due diligence) undertaken on behalf of the Source of Investment, will be estimated by that Source but are yours to bear. If you wish for us to elaborate on the subject of these expenses, please contact us.

Be Available



Make yourself readily available to respond to loan underwriters’ questions. Once you and your Project have been placed in the hands of a willing and able Source of Private Capital, you may be assured that investigatory services on behalf of

the Source will have logical questions from the Underwriters. It is at this point in the process that you will have the greatest influence on the length of time to closing your funding. If you, your CPA, or your Legal Counsel are not readily available to Underwriters, YOU will be extending the length of the progress toward closing!

Start Here

(You can always finish later if needed)



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